Keeping Watch



For the longest time this plant didn’t do anything except get huge and bushy and all in the way. I thought about ripping it out. Really. I’m glad I didn’t because once it started growing this, I knew I was on to something. I didn’t realize it would be this, though. Now I am practically on 24 hour watch to keep it safe. Wish me luck, cause this will make one heck of a Caprese salad!

Round One

I spent the weekend trying to tidy up after Beryl.  After I gave my tomatoes a rather savage haircut, I felt like things were on a better track.  Where I live, the days are often humid, and we have had a lot of rain recently, so those little bacteria and fungi that feed off heat and damp were having a high ol’ time on my plants.  The party, however, is over for the likes of them.  I had to cut back quite a bit, so that air could circulate a bit better, and the Handyman took out the clover (well, most of it) in the Where’s Waldo garden with the weed eater.  He also took out a couple of my plants, but he was trying to help, so I couldn’t really get angry with him.  Some of my plants were infected with the early signs of blight so they have been cut back so far that I am not sure they will recover.  BUT, I’m not going to say that they are down for the count just yet.  I am monitoring them everyday at this point to see if there are any new signs of disease.  Also, because of all the rain, and the fact that work has had me running in circles, a tomato hornworm dealt some heavy duty damage to one of my plants.  He met a grisly end, and the plant is putting out new growth, so I am confident it will recover.  Here are the updated pictures of how things are going.

Key Lime tree is doing great.

Blueberries are turning. We’ve already snacked on a handful or two.

Roses are reblooming. The Handyman is too cheap to buy me flowers, but he does grow them for me. I’ll take it.

Latest addition. My Maternal One had an aloe plant that lived in the laundry area. This plant reminds me of her. And I am sure it will come in handy for the Handyman.

YUM! I need a gluten free recipe for fried green tomatoes.

After the trim.

Another angle.

Borage. It is supposed to help with pests. Tell that to the hornworm.

Peppers and eggplants are doing fine.

Where’s Waldo Garden

The exciting thing is that even though there was a bit of a hiccup in my garden last week, production is now out pacing consumption.  Which means that I am still ahead of the game considering most years I wouldn’t even have a single red tomato to eat, much less share.  And I still consider myself fortunate to be able to keep on keeping on with this year’s garden.  We had a bit of hail, but thankfully the plants weren’t really damaged, so I’m grateful. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to scout for slugs.

Danger afoot…

Bah. And humBUG!

Yesterday, I was checking on my plants.  Obsessing, whatever.  And I found a few of these little buggers.  I eliminated what I saw, but didn’t have time to check today for more.  I have my fingers crossed and I’m hoping that things are OK until tomorrow.  I would like to plant this weekend, but the weather has other things in mind.  Maybe next weekend.  I hope so.  I have some plants that really need the freedom of the ground.

Happy growing!

An abode for a toad


For Christmas the Handyman got me this little toad house for my garden.  It is terra cotta so I waited until I was sure it wasn’t going to freeze before I put it out.  This weekend we found a toad in the yard so I rushed inside to get my toady abode.  My Handyman scooped up the toad and in it went.  I checked on the little guy today and he’s still hanging out in there.  Woohoo! Yay for natural pest control.